The Deanship of the School of Economics and Business Administration is committed to making its website (Website Link) accessible, in accordance with Law 4727/2020 (Government Gazette 184 A’ 23-09-2020) Chapter H’ “Digital Accessibility”.
This accessibility statement applies to the website: School of Economics and Business Administration –
- Conformance status
This website is fully conformant with accessibility standard of Article 39 of Law 4727/2020 (Goverment Gazette 184 Α’ 23-09-2020)
2. Creation of the present accessibility statement
The present statement was created on 10/11/2024.
Method used for producing this statement:
- Actual Evaluation: Self evaluation by the institution itself
- Through the usage of the Wave – Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
The statement was last revised on 20/11/2024.
Description of comment submission mechanism
According to the provisions of Article 7(4)(b) of Law 4591/2019 (Greek Government Gazette 19/A/12.02.2019), the present Accessibility Statement defines the information process and comment submission mechanism, through which any interested party has the possibility to submit comments on accessibility issues related to websites and mobile device applications.
The interested parties may submit their request in email address
The response to the request is notified to the interested party within thirty (30) days from the submission of the relevant request. If the request is submitted to an inappropriate service, this service forwards it within five (5) days to the Dean’s Office of the School of Economics and Business Administration. In this case, the deadline begins from the receipt of the request by the competent service. If the request cannot be processed within the prescribed deadline, due to objective impossibility specifically justified, the competent service, no later than within five (5) days, notifies the applicant of the reasons for the delay, as well as any useful information.
Contact details of the authorized person
Tel.: +302610962621
Implementation procedure
If a request sent through the comment submission mechanism is not answered within the specified period or is not answered satisfactorily, the interested party may contact the State Ombudsman using the following e-mail address: